Thursday, 25 July 2013

More dolls in a photo shoot...

July 25 2013

I have finished three more dolls. Miranda the Mermaid, Li the Pixie, and Robin the Fairy. They all have the super luxurious Doctored Locks Professional Shape Shifter Monofiber. It feels and styles like a dream with a heat set temperature of 400o (a lot like human hair). On the down side it very finicky to work with because it is so fine and many time's I had to reminded myself to have patience with it. I work with either glued wefts or sewn. I'm starting to use only sewn although I find that glued wefts bond better I'm enjoying the challenge of making dolls wigs so all that said from now on every doll will have in it's listing what type of weft used to give the buyer a better understanding of how they can be treated (the hair and the doll).

                                                  Here are some pictures of the new dolls...

                                                             Here's Li the Pixie...

And Miranda the Mermaid

                                                      ...last but not least Robin the Fairy

They will be here:

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